With so much attention being focused on the global conflicts with Islam, we have recently published three new radio shows on the subject through our Noise of Thunder Radio Program. They are:
ISLAM & SOCIALISM – 11.19.15
Chris discusses the relationship between the Socialist movement in the United States and Europe with the Islamic invasion of the West. Why are the secular progressives so bent on supporting the advancement of Islam? Could the connection between National Socialism in Germany with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem during World War II be a clue to what's happening today? Also discussed is a follow up on Islam's Common Word towards Christianity.
Chris discusses an Islamic initiative towards Christian leaders throughout the world. The interfaith program is called "A Common Word Between Us and You," and is based on a verse from the Qur'an which says: "Say: O People of the Scripture! Come to a common word between us and you: that we worship none but God, and that we shall ascribe no partner unto Him ..." But what does this verse actually mean? Liberal Christian leaders responded to the Islamic initiative by offering an "apology" on behalf of Christianity towards Islam. Was this truly appropriate? And is it possible for Christians to reach a common theological understanding with the Islamic world?
Chris discusses an update on the immigration crisis in Europe. Some researchers now argue that the mass migration of Muslims into the West is a form of Hijrah, or Jihad by Emigration. Frontpage Mag reports that the original Hijrah was the journey or migration of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in the year 622 A.D. Could this be a picture of what Islam is doing today?
Our post production editing continues on “Bridge” - the third part of our history of the Bible series. The information contained in this upcoming documentary is powerful and we hope will be a blessing for many.
Please continue in prayer for this work, as we are hoping to have it completed before the end of the year.
Hillary Clinton: Muslims are ‘Peaceful and Tolerant,’ Have ‘Nothing Whatsoever to do with Terrorism’
In a statement her own campaign Tweeted out as her marquee comment, Clinton declared: ‘Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.”
8 Syrians Caught at Texas Border in Laredo
Two federal agents operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are claiming that eight Syrian illegal aliens attempted to enter Texas from Mexico in the Laredo Sector.
New York City Syrian Leader Claims ISIS is Already in America
New York City Syrian community leader Aarafat “Ralph” Succar told the New York Post that the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) already exists in America.
ISIS Threatens New York City in New Propaganda Video
A new ISIS propaganda video makes threats against New York City – and shows Manhattan streetscapes that include Times Square and Herald Square …
First Footage of Paris Attacks
The exclusive images show the merciless savagery of an Islamic State assassin and the extraordinary bravery and survival instincts of his intended victims.
Obama Throws Christian Refugees to Lions
While America prepares to take in tens of thousands of Muslims, Obama is deporting Christians back to ISIS on a technicality.
Trump Says Obama Will Not Stop at 10,000 Syrian Refugees
Donald Trump, the 2016 GOP presidential frontrunner, says President Obama is “not going to stop” at just a handful of Syrian refugees.
God bless,
Adullam Films
A Christian Film Ministry
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The Ultimate Combo Pack |
The Ultimate Combo Pack - $159.95 |
Audio CD - 70 minutes
The story of the Bible is filled with rich dynamic history that covers the span of more than two thousand years. But in the Middle Ages, English speaking scholars began to dominate Biblical translation in their quest for the most accurate representation of the Word of God in the language of the common people. In this new audio CD, documentary filmmaker, Chris Pinto discusses his own research into the history of the English Bible, featuring extensive interviews with Dr. David Brown, one of the foremost authorities on the subject.
This dynamic audio presentation is perfect for those who wish to be edified while driving in their car, or listening to a CD at home. Compatible with all CD players.
Also available in a five pack for those who want to use them as witnessing tools for friends and family. The information on this CD is also very useful for homeschoolers.
We are now making available a four pack featuring two of our history of the Bible documentaries bundled with the new audio CD for further discussion on this important topic.
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BIBLE HISTORY BUNDLE - $59.95 1. The History of the English Bible-Audio CD |
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4 Pack Bunde - $59.95 |
Get all five of our educational audio CDs on some of the most important discernment issues for believers today. Included are:
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AUDIO CD 5 PACK - $49.95 1. The History of the English Bible-Audio CD |
Audio CD 5 Pack - $49.95 |
We continue to receive calls and e-mails from believers around the world testifying to the powerful impact that “Tares” has had upon those who have seen it, awakening a desire in many to learn more about the Bible controversies in modern times. This ten pack makes the film more available for those who desire to use copies for witnessing purposes to friends and family, or for Bible studies.
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Tares Among the Wheat 10 DVDs - $99.00 10 DVDs - $99.00 |
This is the shorter version of “A Lamp in the Dark” with a running time of just 1 hour and 40 minutes. It’s short enough for a Church presentation or Bible study class, and was engineered for exactly that purpose. Also perfect as a witnessing tool, and so we are pleased to present this special offer.
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The Untold History of the Bible 10 Pack - $89.00 |
Get eight powerful documentaries written and directed by award winning filmmaker, Christian J. Pinto. This collection now includes “Tares Among the Wheat.”
Includes the new audio CD: “The History of the English Bible”
A revision of the original ultimate combo, but now with 15 Resources including 8 documentaries, all 5 of our audio CDs and the book, “Washington in the Lap of Rome.”
The New Ultimate Combo Pack |
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