SCRIPTURE MEDITATION _______________________________________________________________________________________ Recent REVIEWS of “Bridge to Babylon” “My wife and I have just finished watching Bridge to Babylon, and frankly we watched it in awe. This is a masterful presentation of what is the single most important issue we face today - the defense of the Standard Bible. While there is a great deal of good material available, I know of no single production (book or visual) that is on a par with this. Given its length it could be used over a number of sessions in group study; or quite easily underpin a semester's work in a Bible College. Truth is never popular and is fallen in the streets in these last day days (Isa. 59:14), nevertheless we pray that the Lord will multiply (2 Cor. 9:10) this great labor which so capably and earnestly upholds the Scriptures and at the same time exposes its key corrupters (2 Cor. 2:17). I find it difficult to express how good this is. May the Lord continue to give you the strength and wisdom for such a vital work.” -- Dr. Jack Moorman, author/missionary/United Kingdom “… We have watched BRIDGE TO BABYLON. WOW!! Your research is amazing, as always. We were riveted to the screen, trying to take it all in …” -- Wes & Jenny I., Australia _______________________________________________________________________________________ |
DVD $24.95 |
1) Bridge to Babylon is also available for digital download through VIMEO ON DEMAND . Click here to learn more. This is the direct link to VIMEO on demand:
2) Dark Clouds Over Elberton: The True Story of the Georgia Guidestones is also available for digital download through VIMEO ON DEMAND. Click here to learn more. This is the direct link to VIMEO:
RECENT PODCASTS from Noise of Thunder Radio
A TIME magazine article calls the Trump/Pence ticket "the most Anti-Catholic Republican ticket in modern history." Is Trump facing such vehement opposition (from seemingly all sides) because his proposed policies are in direct conflict with elements of the Counter Reformation?
Chris discusses the historical circumstances in England leading up to the era of the great Puritan leader, Oliver Cromwell. It is said of that period that "good and evil, salvation and peril" had become so "confounded and intermixed" that the firmest of minds were "incapable of disentangling them ..." Could this be a picture of America in our time? Upon Cromwell's death, it was said that a violent thunder storm took place -- one still remembered by historians. In the Scriptures, we are told that the Lord thunders upon His enemies (1 Sam. 2:10, 7:10, 2 Sam. 22:14). Was Cromwell's revolution an example of this, since he specifically put down those powers that persecuted Protestantism?
Chris discusses the controversy surrounding Trump's comments from years ago in light of Paul's letter to the Colossian Church of the first century. All would agree that what has been called Trump's locker-room banter is both shameful and inexcusable. Yet as Christians, this should be seen within the full context of Scripture. Paul's admonition to the early church reveals that immature believers can be guilty of similar behavior and are in need of a more mature level of repentance. Whether or not a person is a true convert cannot always be known; yet the Scriptures are clear that all who name the name of Christ should depart from iniquity (2 Timothy 2:19).
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BRIDGE TO BABYLON 5 PACK: $75.00 Witnessing Pack |
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![]() ![]() BRIDGE TO BABYLON 10 PACK: $125.00 Witnessing Pack |
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Ultimate Combo Note: "The History of the English Bible" Audio CD replaces "Freemasonry & Christianity" (shown in the picture above) in the Ultimate Combo Special. |
Please continue to pray for this documentary, that it will be a blessing to many people and bring forth fruit for the glory of God.
God bless,
Adullam Films
A Christian Film Ministry
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