“… all inhabitants … are to have armes in their houses, always ready fixt for service.”
-- Massachusetts Legislature, May 29, 1644
“The necessity for a Christian people to learn the art of war rises into view …. the use of arms, kept up and understood among a Christian people is necessary and vastly important, as a restraint or check on aspiring wicked rulers …”
-- Rev. Elisha Fish, “The Art of War, Lawful & Necessary for a Christian People,” 1773
“… in the Apocalypse of St. John … there are several passages which intimate, that the saints of the Most High, will fight in their defense against their enemies …. that they shall at length, by an amazing slaughter of their persecutors, obtain for themselves the peaceable enjoyment of that liberty wherewith Christ hath made them free.”
-- Rev. Simeon Howard, “An Artillery Election Sermon,” 1773
One of the most controversial issues facing the United States today is the conflict over the Second Amendment. Some have argued that its purpose was only to grant the people the right to hunt, or to engage in sporting events. Yet the record of history points us to centuries before the American Revolution, and the persistent persecution of Bible believing Christians by their enemies. It was to protect themselves and their families from being slaughtered that Christians began to insist that the right to keep and bear arms become a part of common law. Formally adopted by the English Bill of Rights in 1689, the right to bear arms would be later included as part of the U.S. Constitution. The story of how it came to pass is the subject of this new dynamic Audio CD and serves as a powerful reminder to both saints and patriots in our country today.
1) How bearing arms was originally considered a duty among Christian people.
2) The Biblical references to the responsibility of God’s people to take up arms against the wicked, and the consequences of refusing to do so, according to the Scriptures.
3) The original meaning of the Scripture: “… be sure your sin will find you out,” and how it pertains to bearing arms for the cause of God.
4) What the Puritans believed about bearing arms.
5) How the duty to bear arms, eventually became the RIGHT to bear arms.
6) The role of the Jesuits in instigating the disarmament of people they plan to victimize.
7) How the Irish Rebellion of 1641 established the pattern for disarmament and mass murder that would be repeated throughout the 20th century.
8) What the early American founders believed about the Militia as the common people, and how it was seen as a cornerstone of preserving freedom.
9) How the events surrounding the Glorious Revolution of 1688 stand as proof that bearing arms was seen as necessary to protect Christians against mass slaughter.
10) Proof that the American colonists were only defending the rule of law in their opposition to King George III and the redcoat’s attempt to disarm them, which led to the battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775. Hence, the assertion that they were “rebels” is demonstrably wrong.
4 Audio CD Pack
Chris continues his discussion on the manipulations of the Jesuits and the Church of Rome on illegal immigration into the United States, along with the rise of Socialism in our political system. Also discussed are Biblical passages about how God’s people are expected to treat strangers. Is our country guilty of violating Scriptural teachings for maintaining border laws? Or have we generally maintained a standard consistent with the Christian teachings of both the Old and New Testaments?
Chris discusses the manipulative teachings of the Jesuit priest, James Martin, who has promoted the acceptance of homosexuality by the Catholic Church, and now twists the Scriptures to justify illegal immigration, partly by referring to “illegal aliens” as strangers and refugees. Martin follows the arguments of those on the left who falsely accuse America of being uncharitable towards foreigners, because our nation has border laws, just like every other nation on earth.
Chris discusses the controversy over the U.S. sale of F-35 fighter planes to Turkey, as part of a weapons transfer program. But is it wise for America to cooperate with the Turks, knowing that they have the blood of countless Christians on their hands, especially because of the Armenian Genocide in the 20th century? Is our country guilty of “helping the ungodly” as we are warned not to do in 2 Chronicles 19:2? Turkey has repeatedly threatened the well being of Christians. Even to this day, Turkish politicians are threatening to “invade and take over 18 Greek islands in the Aegean Sea” in the near future, while Turkish President Erdogan has recently foretold a coming “war between the cross and the crescent.”
The Socialist Plan for Islam to Conquer the West
We truly believe the subject matter covered in the powerful CD is of critical importance for the Church in America and throughout the Western world. There can be no question that the post World War II globalist-Marxist plan to overthrow and enslave the free world involves using Islam as a weapon against Christianity.
In “Hitler’s Jihad” we present many quotes, not the least of which is this powerful testimony from Dr. Erwin Lutzer, co-author of the book, “The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent.” In an interview about this work, he said:
“Most people don’t realize it, but the U.S. has basically entered into a covenant of submission to Islam. Hospitals and even some churches have removed crucifixes and crosses because Muslims complain that these symbols are offensive; public tax dollars are used to build prayer rooms for Muslim students in our schools; and there’s a push for civil cases to be tried under sharia law … something that Muslim enclaves in Europe (the U.K. in particular) already have on the books.”
-- Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer
As we prove in the new Audio CD, the systemic submission to Islam did not begin a few years ago. It represents a long-range plan that can be traced back to World War II and the Nazi era. Part of Hitler’s worldview was his belief that Islam would have been better for Germany than Christianity. He quite literally said “we got the wrong religion,” and claimed that if the Muslims had defeated the Christians at the Battle of Tours, then Germanic peoples would have been forcibly converted to the religion of Mohammed. With this more fierce and intolerant belief system, they eventually could have conquered the world. Christianity was the only obstacle. Could Hitler’s dream be what left-wing Socialists are pursuing today? |
2 Disc Audio CD - $19.95
Running Time: Approx. 140 minutes
Presented by: Christian J. Pinto
Audio CD $19.95 |
5 PACK - Audio CD $75.00 |
“You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion … Why did it have to be Christianity? …. Had Charles Martel not been victorious … then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism … Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so.” -- ADOLF HITLER
During the Second World War, the Nazi conflict against the Allied powers compelled them to seek for ways to attack the British Empire. They chose as their weapon a revived and radicalized form of Islam that they referred to as the “world power of tomorrow.” Tens of thousands of Muslims served as soldiers in the German army and saw the Fuhrer as a great hero because of his hatred against the Jews. Is it possible that the modern invasion of Islamic immigrants into the West is merely the continuation of the Second World War? Are modern Socialists working to fulfill Hitler’s dream of converting the lands of Christendom into a future Mohammedan empire?
What you will learn in this dynamic Audio CD:
1) Adolf Hitler’s contempt for Christianity, calling it “insane” and a “Jewish” plot to undermine the ancient Roman empire.
2) The history of Islam and its repeated attempts to invade Western civilization.
3) The history of the Muslim-operated White slave trade.
4) The history of the Islamic slave trade across Africa, and how it influenced America.
5) Thomas Jefferson’s encounter with Islam during the Barbary Wars.
6) Germany and the Ottoman Empire during World War I and how this influenced the Armenian Genocide where more than 1 million Christian Armenians were mass murdered by Islam.
7) Max von Oppenheim – the German diplomat who “weaponized” Islam against the British Empire and Christian colonizers.
8) How the Armenian Genocide paved the way for Hitler’s Holocaust against the Jews.
9) Paul Schmitz – the Nazi journalist who envisioned Islam as the “world power of tomorrow” and predicted much of what is happening in the Western world today.
10) How it was German propaganda that deliberately changed the historic Christian view of Islam as a “religion of cruelty” into a “religion of peace.”
11) Muslim Nazi soldiers known as the “Waffen Handschar SS.”
12) The relationship of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (who met with Adolf Hitler) to the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood that is said to have infiltrated the United States.
13) Otto Skorzeny, the Nazi commando who ran “Operation Werewolf” and later trained Yasser Arafat and the early Islamic jihadists, laying the foundation for modern terrorism.
14) How Nazism influenced the Palestinian cause against Israel.
15) Operation Paper Clip and how it brought Nazis into America.
16) Rome, the Jesuits and Islam – how Vatican Council II declared Islam to be essentially the same as Christianity.
17) The plan to usher in Sharia Law in the United States.
18) How gun confiscation preceded the rape epidemic in the United Kingdom.
19) How Angela Merkel leads the same political party that gave Hitler his totalitarian power.
20) The plan of “the Great Replacement” – to replace Christianity in the West with a Marxist form of Mohammedanism.
Chris discusses the continued advance of Orwellian tactics in the United Kingdom as the Tommy Robinson controversy continues, but only highlights the growing totalitarianism in Europe. What many are calling the death of free speech in a country once known as a great defender of freedom, most likely began as the Anglican Church leaders took their congregations down a path of steady apostasy and heresy through the 20th century. We review some of the more serious false teachings from a number of liberal Anglicans who openly denied key tenets of the Christian faith.
Chris discusses the Memorial Day holiday and its powerful symbolism for our country. In particular, he relates some of the history of his grandfather, World War II veteran, Zygmunt Zatarowski, who fought in the famous Battle of Monte Cassino in 1944 and was awarded Poland’s medal of honor (the Virtuti Militari). But as we consider that our grandparents fought for freedom, there is the rising peril of Marxism and Islam in the West. Recently, the independent British journalist, Tommy Robinson was arrested for reporting on the trial of an Islamic rape gang in the U.K., and quickly sentenced to 13 months in prison. Furthermore, the British government has put a gag order on the media, refusing to allow them to report on the case. What happened to the freedom won for us by our forefathers? |
A Biblical Perspective
Digital Audio CD - $17.95
Running Time: Approx. 74 minutes
Presented by: Christian J. Pinto
Audio CD $17.95 |
5 PACK - Audio CD $49.95 |

5 Pack Audio CDs - Normally $83.75 - Now on Sale $49.95
12 Pack Audio CDs - Normally $208.50 - Now on Sale $99.95
The Foundation of Modern Socialism
(Digital Audio CD) - $17.95
Running Time: Approx. 74 minutes
Presented by: Christian J. Pinto
Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” is a classic horror story that has been told and retold countless times in popular culture. Yet few are aware of the original symbolism of the tale, and the influence behind it – one that continues to haunt the modern world. The story of Dr. Frankenstein attempting to create a man that turns out to be a hideous monster is said to have been an allegory of the bloody French Revolution and the principles set forth by the subversive Jacobins, who caused the overthrow of King Louis and Marie Antoinette, and ushered in the Reign of Terror in France. Their history was contained in a work by a Jesuit priest, whose writings on the “monster” of Jacobinism compelled her to pen this famous allegory.
The principles of the French Revolution would continue into the 19th century, and would develop into the ideologies of Social Justice, Socialism and Communism.
Chief topics discussed in this powerful new Audio CD:
1) An analysis of historic commentaries on Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” and specific details from her novel that parallel events during the French Revolution.
2) The work of 19th century Jesuit priest, Abbe Augustin Barruel who published his “History of Jacobinsim” that is said to have influenced Mary Shelley’s novel.
3) The history of the Bavarian Illuminati as given by Barruel, and how its activities led to the tragedy of the French Revolution.
4) How the famous “Affair of the Necklace” in France was symbolized by the activities of the Creature in the novel.
5) A review of the University of Ingolstadt – the institution where Dr. Frankenstein attends university – also the headquarters of the Jesuit Order in Bavaria, and the place where Adam Weishaupt launched his Illuminati movement.
6) The commentary of Winston Churchill on the Socialist/Marxist movement of the 19th and 20th centuries, and how it can all be traced back to Weishaupt and the French Revolution.
7) How Adolf Hitler was influenced by the French Revolution.
8) Passages from “Frankenstein” showing the rage of man against God, and how “hatred of God” is at the heart of Socialism and Communism, as admitted by Marxist leaders who use Atheism as a weapon against Christianity.
9) The origins of the term “Communism” and how it began with apostate Christianity as a reference to the Communion table.
10) How 19th century Socialism influenced 20th century Communism.
11) Examples from history past and present of how the principles of “Frankenstein” and the French Revolution continue to impact our world today.
Running Time: Approx. 74 minutes
Presented by: Christian J. Pinto
The American Civil War and the presidency of Abraham Lincoln are among the most debated topics in U.S. history, especially since the adoption of the 14th Amendment. Learn how this amendment changed the citizenship of Americans and has been systematically used to undermine the foundations of American law. Also learn how radical leftists are using the iconic image of Lincoln to further their progressive agenda in the United States.
What you will learn in this Audio CD:
1) How Lincoln has become an icon for liberalism – “Even as Lincoln freed blacks from slavery, so liberals must free America from bigotry and the traditional values of Christianity.”
2) The origins of the 14th Amendment.
3) How the 14th Amendment was used to take prayer out of our school system.
4) How the 14th Amendment was used to support abortion with Roe v. Wade.
5) How both the first and fourteenth amendments were used to usher in widespread pornography in the United States.
6) How illegal immigrants are being given “equal rights” because of the activist interpretation of the 14th Amendment, and why this is unconstitutional.
7) A review of Steven Spielberg’s movie “Lincoln” as a homosexual propaganda film, produced to encourage the gay marriage ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court.
8) How Obergefell v. Hodges (the gay marriage ruling) was determined by the activist interpretation of the 14th Amendment.
9) How the 14th Amendment is currently being used (along with the First Amendment) to lay the groundwork for Sharia Law in the United States.
Running Time: Approx. 74 minutes
Presented by: Christian J. Pinto
“Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God” was a patriotic motto during the American Revolution. But what did it really mean? Was its purpose to incite rebellion against the government? Or rather, to encourage a Biblical worldview, in which the common people seek to obey God rather than men. Understanding the original intent of the phrase leads us back to the Great Protestant Reformation, and demonstrates that the core principles of the free world have their foundation in the Christian faith.
What you will learn in this dynamic Audio CD:
1) The history of the phrase “Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God” – with references from American history, the Bible, and the ancient book of Maccabees.
2) What the phrase meant to the American revolutionaries.
3) How the French and Indian War inspired American colonists to rethink the concept of Christian pacifism.
4) The influence of ancient Gnosticism on the pacifist view of the New Testament.
5) How English Protestants developed the right to bear arms in order to protect themselves from the massacres initiated by Rome and the Jesuit Order.
6) Evidence that the Jesuits inspired pacifism during the American Revolution.
7) How Romans 13 was used by Hitler and the Nazis to subdue the churches during the Second World War.
8) Proof that Adolph Hitler was a devout Romanist, who hated Protestantism.
9) Discussion on how Christian populations have been betrayed and murdered because of gun control policies in modern times.
10) A review of the Armenian Genocide, the Rwanda Genocide, and the betrayal of Christian Kurds – who were disarmed prior to the ISIS invasion. |
Lincoln and the Fourteenth Amendment & Resistance to Tyranny
2 Audio CD Pack $24.95
Lincoln, Resistance, Luther & Rule of the Wicked (4-pack)
4 Audio CD Pack
DIGITAL AUDIO CD - Running Time: 72 minutes
SPECIAL packs of 5 and 10 Audio CDs for family, friends and Bible studies: |
Pack of 5 Audio CDs $49.95
Pack of 10 Audio CDs $89.95
"Rule of the Wicked" is an analysis of whether or not wicked leaders have the authority to govern godly people. The book of Proverbs says that “when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” (Proverbs 29:2) Learn how Christian teachers past and present have viewed the authority of ungodly leaders in government. |
2 Audio CDs $24.95
3 Audio CDS $34.95
This digitally mastered Audio CD plays on every CD player, incnluding your car stereo CD player. MP3 is not required. |
SPECIAL packs of 5 and 10 Audio CDs for family, friends and Bible studies:
Pack of 5 Audio CDs $49.95
Pack of 10 Audio CDs 89.95
Martin Luther is undoubtedly the most important figure in the history of the Great Protestant Reformation, seen by many as the man used of God to turn the world upside down and bring the church out of the Dark Age. Luther wrote extensively on a variety of subjects, and his conversations on theology were often written down by others. In this Audio CD, we explore what Luther believed about the prophecies pertaining to the man of sin mentioned in the New Testament - also known as the Antichrist.
What you will learn in this powerful new Audio CD:
1) The progress of Luther’s investigation into the identity of the Antichrist.
2) The smoking gun that convinced Luther of Antichrist’s true identity.
3) Contrast between the doctrines of Islam versus the Papacy.
4) Why Luther believed that the Antichrist must arise from within the Church.
5) Luther’s view about Antichrist as one man versus a line of kings.
6) His reasons why the Church should recognize Antichrist in their midst.
7) Why the Church should not expect another Antichrist.
8) Luther’s recognition that he is not the first to recognize this doctrine.
9) The importance of understanding Antichrist as it pertains to the salvation of souls.
10) Luther’s thoughts on the final judgment of Antichrist when Christ returns. |