Chris discusses the apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian church where he tells them, “Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world?” How is this passage to be understood? Interestingly, the apostle applies it to both present and future events. We examine the prophecies concerning the end times, but according to the understanding of earlier generations of Bible teachers, prior to the 20th century. Before global ecumenism (the idea that all religions are one and the same) took hold in the Western world, our Christian forefathers held to a radically different worldview. How did they understand the purpose of the churches during this time upon the earth?
In his own thorough, convincing style, Dave Hunt points out that deception in the church is nothing else than doctrines of devils. He explains the lies that have entered the protestant evangelical church of our day, namely the denial of the deity of Christ, denial that forgiveness comes through the blood of Jesus, inner healing, the Alpha Course, etc. We should avoid being sidetracked by lying spirits.
Dave Hunt addresses the issue of unity. Does it mean that people from different Christian denominations, or even from different religions, must gather together to demonstrate their unity, for the sake of addressing certain issues of society? Does it mean that demonstrating that unity is of greater importance than doctrinal issues? Allow Dave Hunt to explain the character of true unity, according to the Word of God.
Occult Invasion of the Church is a must-see documentary for every Christian. This DVD features one of Dave Hunt's excellent presentations, combined with footage filmed at the 1999 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Cape Town,
South Africa.
The message on this DVD helps Christians to clearly distinguish truth from lies and explains how to conduct a sound Christian walk amidst the deception in these last days.

Digital Streaming of Adullam Films documentaries and NOTR Audio CDs now available. Also available is a digital download of our book, “Washington in the Lap of Rome,” as well as more than 1,000 archived radio podcasts from Noise of Thunder.
Update on the NOISE OF THUNDER Resource Room. If you have not yet subscribed, you can easily do so by clicking the banner above. 12 months for just $49.95. Now included are all of our documentaries plus our new dynamic Audio CDs. Watch and listen online at your convenience.
We ask for your prayers as we continue the final editing for our upcoming film, “The True Christian History of America.”
Thank you, and God bless.
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