Chris discusses a youtube video posted by a professing Christian ministry, where a white woman in Europe explains how it was African Muslims who were responsible for the “civilized” nature of the West, and how to “use soap.” The video appears to be part of an ongoing effort by the left to fabricate a history for Islam in the Western world. During his time in the White House, President Barack Obama made the unforgettable statement that Islam was “woven into the fabric” of America from the beginning. Of course, his statement was refuted by many Americans, particularly since the first mosque (said to have been nothing more than an old cabin) was not built until 1929. But the Marxist revision of our country’s history goes far beyond Obama, and is repeated by outlets such as PBS, National Geographic, and USA Today.
UPDATE on the NOISE OF THUNDER Resource Room
Exciting news! Digital Streaming of Adullam Films documentaries and NOTR Audio CDs are now available in the NOISE OF THUNDER Resource Room at www.noiseofthunderradio.com
If you have not yet subscribed, you can easily do so by clicking below. 12 months for just $49.95. Once you purchase your subscription, you'll be directed to a link to sign up with your username and password. You'll then have access to the Resource Room for a full year.
Now included are all of our documentaries plus our new dynamic Audio CDs. Watch and listen online at your convenience.

The world is going digital. Years ago, we remember when the industry transitioned from VHS to DVD and it happened rather quickly. We had to adapt while living out in California and watched as all the companies (that had been making video tapes for decades) made the necessary changes. Now, more than a decade later, we are watching the transition away from DVDs and Audio CDs as more and more people want to hear and view their content online. Because of this, we have been working to adapt our online resources (after receiving many emails from supporters) and upload all of our documentaries in the Noise of Thunder Resource Room, and with them to include our dynamic Audio CDs.
With the new changes to the NOTR Resource Room, subscribers will be able to watch all of our documentaries online, including our last three titles we produced:
1) Tares Among the Wheat
2) Dark Clouds Over Elberton
3) Bridge to Babylon
Previous subscribers have inquired as to when these films would be uploaded, and they are finally here. Also included are the Archived Radio Shows we have produced since 2011, with more than 2,000 programs to choose from.
In addition, we are uploading all of our Audio CDs to the Resource Room as well. Once you log on, you can click on the Audio CD Collection banner and listen to the first twelve of our Audio CDs that have already been uploaded. This feature will be a bonus for our international supporters who have repeatedly written to us about making digital downloads available since shipping resources overseas can be costly.
The current audio titles available in the Resource Room include:
1) Codex Sinaiticus: The Oldest Bible or a Modern Hoax?
2) The Critical Text Controversy: The Theory Behind Modern Bibles
3) The Jesuits & the Counter Reformation
4) Gideon vs. Leonidas: Gideon’s 300 Compared to the Ancient Spartans
5) Luther on the Antichrist
6) Lincoln & The 14th Amendment
7) The History of the English Bible
8) The Jesuits & Marxism: Weapon of the Counter Reformation
9) Cromwell, Jehu & America
10) Hitler’s Jihad: The Socialist Plan for Islam to Invade the West
11) Frankenstein & The French Revolution: The Foundation of Modern Socialism
12) Resistance to Tyranny: A Biblical & Historic Analysis
In total, the current volume of material in the Resource Room with documentaries, audio CDs and radio programs, amounts to more than 500 hours of viewing and listening material. We are making this available now at only $49.95 for a 12-month subscription.
Also, in addition to our documentaries, we are planning to create new content with shorter videos that will focus on specific topics; and to record live interviews in the future through Skype and possibly other formats. Once we begin to create new material on a more regular basis, the price of the Resource Room will increase to help us cover the costs, but those who sign up now will continue to have access to all new materials we produce and upload to the website.
We will continue to make our DVDs and Audio CDs available as always in their regular format, since we know that many of our supporters have not necessarily transitioned into the digital age. While things are moving quickly at one level, we still regularly receive phone calls from people who do not own a computer and have no internet access. Others simply want to have a physical product in their hand, which we completely understand. How much longer the physical DVD will continue, we simply don’t know. Will it be phased out in the next 5 years or sooner? The Lord knows. But we will continue to offer them and do our best to keep up with the ever-changing technology, so that we can press on in the work of defending the Gospel of Christ through teaching the Bible and history, as the Lord has inspired us to do.
Please pray for our ministry and for our upcoming documentary, The True Christian History of America. Remember that when you purchase our materials, donate to our ministry, or sign up for the NOTR Resource Room, you are helping us to produce and complete this next film, as well as to continue our radio program which is broadcast freely to all the world. We thank the Lord for those of you who have supported us over the years and pray that our work will continue to be a blessing in the years ahead.