NEW Noise of Thunder Radio Shows:
Chris discusses the annual remembrance of the beginning of the Great Reformation, which is traditionally traced to October 31, 1517 when Dr. Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. The Reformation is an important event to understand American freedom, when one considers that the concept of rights that come from God is based on the teachings of the Reformers. When Samuel Adams spoke before signing the Declaration of Independence, he declared that the “reign of political Protestantism” would commence in America. This year, we also consider lessons from Ulrich Zwingli, the influential Swiss reformer, who laid down his life in defense of the Gospel and for the freedom of his country.
Chris discusses a series of stories, including the declarations by Democratic Party candidate, Beto O’Rourke to confiscate semi-automatic rifles from law abiding Americans — that is, if he's elected president. What’s really behind the rhetoric? Are such rifles the greatest danger to society, especially when compared to other weapons used in crime? We compare statistics. Also discussed is the progress of the LGBT movement as transgenderism reaches for new levels of totalitarian control through our courts, working to destroy parental rights across the country. In Poland, leaders are fighting back and (we are told) they were influenced by our film, “The Kinsey Syndrome.” Lawyers in that country who were working with Dr. Judith Reisman have fashioned a new law opposing the conditioning of children according to the Kinsey philosophy. We also highlight the powerful testimony of a bold Christian woman who openly declared opposition to the European Union and their attempts to impose Islam and Sharia law in Poland.
Chris discusses the shocking new story in which a journalist close to Pope Francis has said that in their private meetings, the pope has said that Jesus was “not God.” The story was originally given out by Italian journalist Eugenio Scalfari, who is said to have had “many” conversations with the pope, and has reported before that Francis did not believe that hell exists. One Catholic journalist has said “the pope is using Scalfari to propagate his most extreme ideas under a veneer of plausible deniability.” There is also evidence that at least one other Jesuit questioned the divinity of Christ back in 1999. Could this be part of a greater agenda with the order? As the Jesuits promote socialism, homosexuality and Islam, are they preparing the Western world to deny the very foundation of the Christian faith?
We are still editing our upcoming documentary, “The True Christian History of America,” which we truly believe will be a powerful production, with lots of on-location footage, interviews, and spectacular dramatizations. But above all else, the story of how our Christian forefathers from old Europe into North America struggled to establish the core principles of freedom, we hope will inspire believers around the world. Our intent is to stir the hearts of those who love God to recognize the rich heritage we have as believers in Christ and be aware of how it has been corrupted by Marxist versions of history that have been taught in our schools. Karl Marx declared that the first “battleground” for the communists was to rewrite the history of the countries they sought to subvert. It is beyond doubt that this has happened in the United States and across most of the Western world. Please keep our little ministry in prayer as we strive to finish this new and important work.
Below are several new screen shots from the upcoming film:

Statue of Jan Zizka, the Hussite leader during the Hussite Wars,
which was the beginning of the fight for freedom of speech and freedom of religion in the Western world

Hussite warriors preparing for battle

The city of Prague, where the Four Articles of Prague were published in the year 1420

Dr. Zdenek Zalud at the Hussite Museum in Tabor, Czech Republic
The Scriptures were banned, burned, and ridiculed by rulers of every age, from Roman emperors to English monarchs. Many who dared to read and share the Word met horrible deaths. Yet God's truth could not be crushed. This four-volume video commentary by Ken Connolly is a spectacular sweep of history, filmed on location in Israel, Europe, Britain, and the U.S.
Retrace the Historic Path of God's Word from Mt. Sinai to Plymouth Rock. Meet the scholars, teachers, and missionaries whose passionate faith preserved the Indestructible Book.
From the ancient deserts of Israel to the shores of the New World, THE INDESTRUCTIBLE BOOK documents an incredible story of faith and sacrifice. This commentary by Bible scholar Ken Connolly tells of believers inspired by God to protect the Bible and carry its message of hope and salvation forward through the centuries. The Scriptures were banned, burned, and ridiculed by rulers of every age, from Roman emperors to English monarchs. Many who dared to read and share the Word met appalling deaths. Yet God's truth could not be crushed.
The greatest worldly powers were no match for the mission of the apostles, crusaders, translators, reformers, preachers and printers dedicated to spreading the Gospel of The Indestructible Book. Filmed on location in Israel, Europe, Britain and the U.S., THE INDESTRUCTIBLE BOOK captures the spectacular sweep of history with visual images as rich and varied as the story it unfolds. This digitally re-mastered two-disc set includes all four original VHS volumes, hosted by Ken Connolly.
- Volume 1: How the Bible Began
- Volume 2: A Bible for the Common Man
- Volume 3: Martyrs for the Bible
- Volume 4: From the King James Bible to the Shores of America
"This video series was played in our Sunday School class over several weeks. I was absolutely glued to the screen. I love history, and this was a fascinating "documentary". This could easily be the basis of a college course. I wanted to pause it repeatedly, to either ask questions or discuss related thoughts; frustrating, because I couldn't do that. Plan on purchasing it to see it at my pace, and then to give to our son, entering Regent Law School. Quite an inspiration! My Rating: Excellent!"
--R. Kalinowski |
DVD $22.95
What is the cause of the present crisis in the Catholic Church? Catholicism: Crisis of Faith goes to the heart of the matter, investigating the teachings of Roman Catholicism and comparing them to Scripture. Follow the spiritual journey of devout priests and nuns who courageously faced a crisis of faith and emerged with a life changing experience of Jesus Christ.
When the Second Vatican Council closed in 1965, Catholics everywhere were optimistic that the Church had been renewed and blessings would soon follow. Little did anyone realize what lay ahead.
The decades since Vatican II have been turbulent. Attendance at Mass has plummetted. Finances are critical. Vocations have steadily declined. Internal disputes are shaking the Church. What is the cause of the present crisis?
8 Language DVD including: English, Spanish, German, Korean, Portuguese, Polish, Tagalog, w/subtitles in Chinese, Closed Captioned in English.
Adullam Films Note:
This DVD is highly recommended for Christians who are trying to witness to Catholics, and especially for Catholics trying to understand their faith.
Jesus said that the generation of believers alive for His second coming would be subject to the greatest onslaught of deception ever leveled at the body of Christ and that this deception would be predicated upon signs and wonders.
For many professing Christians this could be the most important video you ever watch. Perhaps the best expose of many modern so-called “prophets & healers” ever made.
The National Prayer Network out of the United Kingdom has done an admirable job exposing such leaders as Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, and Rodney Howard Brown, revealing that the tactics and methods they use when performing “signs and wonders” have their origin in the occult. These tapes are a sober warning for those caught up in TBN evangelists and leaders, believing them to be “anointed” men and women of God.
Speakers include: Andre Kole, Brian Edwards, Dave Hunt, Mark Haville, Ole Anthony, Dr. Peter May, Philip Foster, Roger Oakland and Dr. Stephan Sizer. |
Produced by The Berean Call with Jeremiah Films, this video represents a visual presentation of Dave Hunt's shocking book. With interviews by the author himself, this documentary journal breaks down the key issues of understanding the Roman Catholic Church and Bible prophecy.
It also demonstrates the false doctrines taught by Rome, and reveals that while Protestant Christianity is so often accused of its "intolerance" for the Catholic faith, it is in fact the Canon Laws of Rome that condemn Bible believing Christians more than 100 times (declaring them "anathema," accursed) for their belief in the true Gospel.
This video could be a useful tool in witnessing to Catholics who might not take the time to read through the more than 500 pages of the book. For the voice cries out from heaven, saying: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues ." (Revelation 18:4).
Could the greatest double-cross in history deceive the "elect"?
Most "end times" discussions focus on the coming Antichrist-but he is only half the story... Many are surprised to discover that in Revelation 17, there is another mysterious character at the heart of prophecy -- a woman who rides the beast.
Tradition says this "mystery" woman is connected with the church of Rome. But isn't such a view outdated? After all, today's Vatican is eager to join hands with evangelicals and all religions worldwide.
Biblical truth and global events present a well-defined portrait of the woman and her powerful place in the Antichrist's future empire. More than ten remarkable clues in Revelation 17 and 18 prove the woman's identity beyond any reasonable and be amazed. |
Agenda Twin Pack Special - $34.95
For a limited time, Adullam Films is offering the two-part series on the Communist infiltration of the United States, brilliantly documented by a former Idaho State Representative, Curtis Bowers.
The set includes the two following documentaries:
In the award winning first film, Curtis Bowers takes the audience on a fascinating journey, exposing the people and groups that have successfully targeted America’s morality and freedom in their effort to grind America down. If anyone ever needed detailed evidence about the Marxist infiltration of our political system, this is the film to convince them.
n the second film of the series, Bowers again exposes what he calls “the Masters of Deceit, and their purposeful, premeditated, treasonous attacks on our freedom.” Part two is just as detailed as Part One and features a powerful interview of a former citizen of Cuba, who sternly warns Americans about the plot to overthrow our country from within, as he sees many of the same patterns in the United States that he witnessed in his own country. |
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14 Resources - $159.95
1. Tares Among the Wheat - DVD
2. A Lamp in the Dark - DVD
3. Washington in the Lap of Rome - Book
4. Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers - DVD
5. Secret Mysterieis: the New Atlantis - DVD
6. Riddles in Stone - DVD
7. Eye of the Phoenix - DVD
8. Megiddo: the March to Armageddon - DVD
9. Megiddo II: the New Age - DVD
10. The Kinsey Syndrome - DVD
11. The Society of Jesus - Audio CD
12. The History of the English Bible - Audio CD
13. Jesuits and the Counter Reformation - Audio CD
14. Codex Sinaiticus - 2 disc Audio CD
Ultimate Combo Note: "The History of the English Bible" Audio CD replaces "Freemasonry & Christianity" (shown in the picture above) in the Ultimate Combo Special. |