Chris discusses the Biblical examples of King Jehoshaphat and King Asa who faced seemingly impossible odds, but claimed victory against their enemies by calling upon the Lord. Also discussed are the abuses of power that have so quickly begun to emerge in the immediate wake of the Coronavirus pandemic. Listen to audio from Australian news sources that claim America is entering into a “new world order” as we suffer lockdowns across the country. Also, Project Veritas interviews medical personnel who openly declare: “It’s the flu!” when asked if the virus was as bad as the media makes it out to be. Meanwhile, the Pope — known for centuries as “the Antichrist” by the Reformers — has now warned of a “viral genocide” if governments give priority to the economy, rather than follow the advice of shutdowns and quarantines. With governments grabbing more and more power over the rights of the common people, many are asking: will the Coronavirus become the crown jewel of globalism?
In a special one-hour program, Chris discusses a series of stories and headlines, some of which use the phrase “New World Order” in conjunction with how rapidly things have changed over the Coronavirus pandemic. No, these are not conspiracy websites, but rather, regular news outlets. Gordon Brown (the former prime minister of England) declared the need for a “one world government” to deal with COVID-19 issues. Also discussed are comments from President Trump over getting the country back up and running by Easter (April 12th), which has been met with hysteria by Democrats in Congress and in the media.
We also examine stories about testing kits for the Coronavirus, which are said to have uncertain results — with both false positives and false negatives being reported. Is the science behind the analysis of the pandemic really trustworthy? Or is it being manipulated towards a greater political purpose?
In May 2010 the Rockefeller Foundation published a series of scenarios concerning "possible" future world events. One of them was called, "Lock Step: A World of Tighter Top Down Government Control and More Authoritarian Leadership with Limited Innovation and Growing Citizen Pushback." The scenario then goes on to either imagine or foretell (the language is somewhat sketchy in this regard) a global virus pandemic that would dramatically impact the planet, crashing world economies and inspiring governments to put tighter controls on the population, with people wearing face masks, having mandatory temperature checks, etc., all of which is included in the scenario. Is this just a coincidence? Also discussed is an October 2019 meeting of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation called “Event 201” that also outlined a global pandemic with the discovery of a “coronavirus.”
Chris discusses how the new Coronavirus “pandemic” has opened the door for the Democratic Party to attempt to push radical left wing policies through Congress. We hear commentary from Rush Limbaugh comparing the Coronavirus with the 2009-2010 Swine Flu during the Obama administration. Interestingly, the cancellation of sporting events, travel, and the ordinary operation of businesses (things that did not happen during the Swine Flu) means that Trump’s roaring economy will suffer severe losses just prior to the 2020 election. Could all of this be by design? We consider the story of how Joseph Stalin explained to certain men how he maintained control over the masses, using a chicken as his prop for totalitarian control. Also, a new article published by Ron Paul refers to “The Coronavirus Hoax” — but what does he mean?

Agenda Twin Pack Special - $34.95
For a limited time, Adullam Films is offering the two-part series on the Communist infiltration of the United States, brilliantly documented by a former Idaho State Representative, Curtis Bowers.
The set includes the two following documentaries:

In the award winning first film, Curtis Bowers takes the audience on a fascinating journey, exposing the people and groups that have successfully targeted America’s morality and freedom in their effort to grind America down. If anyone ever needed detailed evidence about the Marxist infiltration of our political system, this is the film to convince them.

In the second film of the series, Bowers again exposes what he calls “the Masters of Deceit, and their purposeful, premeditated, treasonous attacks on our freedom.” Part two is just as detailed as Part One and features a powerful interview of a former citizen of Cuba, who sternly warns Americans about the plot to overthrow our country from within, as he sees many of the same patterns in the United States that he witnessed in his own country.

Digital Streaming of Adullam Films documentaries and NOTR Audio CDs now available. Also available is a digital download of our book, “Washington in the Lap of Rome,” as well as more than 1,000 archived radio podcasts from Noise of Thunder.
Update on the NOISE OF THUNDER Resource Room. If you have not yet subscribed, you can easily do so by clicking the banner above. 12 months for just $49.95. Now included are all of our documentaries plus our new dynamic Audio CDs. Watch and listen online at your convenience.
We ask for your prayers as we continue the final editing for our upcoming film, “The True Christian History of America.”
Thank you, and God bless.
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