Chris discusses a very common topic among those who debate Protestant beliefs vs. the Roman Catholic religion.
What was the Church before Martin Luther and the Reformation? We listen to part of a discussion with Candace Owens,
who inspired a debate between her Catholic husband, and her Protestant friend. The question is asked: did anyone go
to heaven before Luther? In answer, we explain the history of how the unbiblical doctrines of Rome developed over the
centuries and ultimately provoked the great Reformation. It is important to understand that while Roman Catholics claim
their religion to be the oldest form of Christianity ... in reality, it is nowhere to be found in the Bible. It is the New Testament
which provides us a written record of that which is truly the oldest form of the Christian faith.
The script writing and editing for our next documentary continues to move forward, one step at a time.
We typically both write and edit at the same time. At this point, we wanted to share some early screen shots of the film,
which can be found below. By all means, please pray for this new project, that we will have the wisdom to put all these parts
of a very large puzzle together in a way that will be edifying and a blessing to those who see and hear.
Also, we are planning to offer a PRE-SALE for the DVD next month, as the conclusion of the editing phase draws near.
Our new DVD cover, featuring some of the key historic figures that pertain to Jesuitism in America.
One of them is the founder of the OSS, which later became the CIA.

Screen shot of book, ‘Americans Warned of Jesuitism, Or the Jesuits Unveiled,’ by John Claudius Pitrat (1855).
One of many resources warning about the order in early America.

Timothy F. Kauffman, author of the book, “Geese in their Hoods,” a collection of
Spurgeon’s writings on Rome.

Georgetown University, the Jesuit headquarters in the United States. A statue of founder, John Carroll,
a Jesuit priest and first Catholic bishop on American soil.

Dr. Ronald Cooke, founder of Truth International Ministries and Reformed scholar with
many writings that expose the activities of Rome and the Jesuit Order.

A statue of Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, located on the campus of
Georgetown University.

The Jesuit superior general, Pedro Arrupe -- known as “the Black Pope.” Arrupe is known as one of the most
notorious Jesuit leaders in history, a Marxist who claimed to be very proud of Fidel Castro,
who was trained by the order.

Canadian author, Paul Serup who wrote the book, “Who Killed Abraham Lincoln,” in which he documents
the story of Charles Chiniquy, the Catholic priest who claimed the Jesuits were behind the assassination
of Abraham Lincoln.

Paul Serup’s book, the result of more than 20 years research, showing proof that the story of
Charles Chiniquy was true; that John Wilkes Booth was a pawn of the Jesuit Order.

Jesuit educated Dr. Anthony Fauci, at Georgetown University Medical Center in January of 2017,
declaring that there would definitely be a “surprise pandemic” during the Trump administration,
which had just begun.

Dr. Deborah Birx (who worked with Fauci) being sworn in to office by a Jesuit priest.

Joe Biden with Jesuit priest, Patrick J. Conroy, who served as chaplain of the House of Representatives.
Biden attends a Jesuit church in Washington D.C.

Author David Daniels, of Chick Publications, speaks about his ongoing research and documentation
into the Jesuit Order in history and modern times.
A Biblical & Historic Analysis
by Christian J. Pinto
“And the Lord said unto Gideon, By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand …” (Judges 7:7)
Most people today are familiar with the story of the ancient King Leonidas and his brave 300 Spartan warriors, who stood boldly against an invading army at the Battle of Thermopylae. However, in the Bible we read about another army of 300 warriors, who followed their commander, Gideon into battle to win a great victory. These were men specifically chosen by God to save the people of ancient Israel from the hand of their enemies, the Midianites.
The story of the Spartan’s bravery has been used by ministers such as Charles H. Spurgeon as an example to Christians who are fighting the good fight of faith. Yet powerful lessons are to be learned in considering the contrast between Gideon, who was able to overcome his opponents by putting his trust in God, versus Leonidas who trusted primarily in the skill and ability of his Spartan warriors.
This new dynamic Audio CD presents powerful information from the Bible and history. |
AUDIO CD: $15.95
Format: Compact Disc Digital Audio CD
Running Time: Approx. 75 minutes (single disc)

A Biblical & Historic Analysis
by Christian J. Pinto
The 1643 Westminster Catechism called upon all Christians to pray “for the deliverance of the distressed churches
abroad from the tyranny of the anti-Christian faction, and from the cruel oppressions and blasphemies of the Turk.”
In modern times, it has become popular for Western authorities to claim that Islam is a “religion of peace”
that has supposedly defended “tolerance” for centuries. But is this what our Christian ancestors believed?
In reality, from the time of the Protestant Reformation, a radically different view was taught. Protestant ministers
such as Martin Luther and John Calvin believed that Islam was not only a religion of cruelty, but represented the
fulfillment of Bible prophecy, and that Muhammad himself was the “destroyer” (Abaddon) foretold in the
Book of Revelation. The Reformers taught that the destructions wrought by Islamic armies were the result of
God’s judgments against sin.
In this dynamic 2-Disc Audio CD package, learn the powerful insights set down by Reformed teachers over several
hundred years, as the details of both prophecy and history are revealed. Were the Arab and Saracen armies of the
past the fulfillment of the tormenting locusts from Revelation chapter 9? And could this warning apply today,
as the world witnesses the mass migration of millions coming from Islamic countries into the West?
Martin Luther himself argued that the Christian world failed to recognize that they battled not merely against flesh
and blood, but that the Islamic forces were really “Satan’s army,” and could only be defeated according to the
Word of God.
*Please allow 2 - 4 weeks for delivery on domestic orders of this title and up to 6 weeks for international orders. |
2-disc Audio CD $19.95
Format: Compact Disc Digital Audio CD
Running Time: Approx. 144 minutes (2-disc audio CD)
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