NEWS: ADULLAM FILMS LAUNCHES NEW RADIO PROGRAM: Noise of Thunder Radio with Chris Pinto will air starting on Monday, May 2, 2011.
We have developed a new website for the program at
This is a new addition to our ministry that we have been praying about for several years. We have been seeking ways to fight the good fight of faith more abundantly as we press forward with our films. After moving our little ministry to Nashville, we considered starting our own radio program, but the timing did not seem right. In the meantime, we pressed forward and finished our productions of “The Kinsey Syndrome,” “Eye of the Phoenix,” “A Lamp in the Dark,” and then “The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers.”
Then, several months ago, the Lord opened certain doors and has brought us together with some new brethren who believe in the work we are doing and wanted to lend a hand to help. We welcome Wes Lowry, Kyle Dunaway and Phil Dunaway (Kyle’s father, and Wes’s father-in-law) into our ministry family and are thankful that the Lord has inspired them to labor with us. We look forward to a fruitful working relationship with these brothers in Christ, and ask for your prayers to help us. One of the results of our combined efforts is this new one-hour radio show that will broadcast Monday through Friday, starting this Monday, May 2nd.
The name “Noise of Thunder” is taken from the Book of Revelation, where we read:
“… and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder … saying, Come and see.” (Rev. 6:1) The title represents our ongoing desire to speak out about prophecy and show its fulfillment in the pages of history past and present. With the apostle Paul, may our work be directed “to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God …” (Acts 26:18) We hope that this new radio program will be a blessing to our brethren, and to those who seek the truth.
The Untold History of the Bible continues...
The Sequel to "A Lamp in the Dark"
Production work on “Tares” continues to move forward. Our graphic designer (Jeff Martens of Martens Creative) has done an excellent job of developing the new cover design for the DVD. On its front, you can see the Greek text of the New Testament that forms a path, blazing through a wheat field, leading all the way to Rome – a perfect symbol for this upcoming work.
We recently completed an interview with Dr. Henry Hudson, author of the book, “Papal Power,” which will be included in the film. We truly appreciated receiving Dr. Hudson’s testimony, since he spent years as a missionary to Italy and has seen the hand of the Papacy up close. We are also thankful to Tom Juodaitis of The Trinity Foundation for introducing us to Dr. Hudson, featured below.
Please pray for us, and this particular effort, because we continue to receive emails and phone calls almost daily from those who have seen “A Lamp in the Dark” and are eagerly awaiting this sequel. Our hope is that Part II in this series will be even more powerful than the first one. We have suffered a number of recent setbacks, but continue to press on, trusting that the Lord will deliver this work in due time. We are thankful for all the supportive comments, calls and letters.
As we have said, on this film we cannot predict a certain deadline, but we hope to have it finished by the end of this summer. In any case, we will press on until the work is done.
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The Secret History of the Jesuits, by Edmond Paris This powerful book details the activities of the Jesuit Order during World War II, showing the Vatican’s support of Hitler. Paris explains why Adolf Hitler was called the “son of the Catholic Church” after his death.
Book $12.00 |
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Ecclesiastical Megalomania, by John W. Robbins This is an incredible book showing the aims of what can only be called “Papal Dominionism.” If you want to learn the truth about the New World Order and the dark powers behind it, we highly recommend this book. Robbins explains how the Vatican and its intelligence agency is the most powerful in the world, and with a population of one billion people, the citizens of Romanism are more than three times that of the United States! |
Book $17.00
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Geese in their Hoods, a collection of writings on Rome by Charles H. Spurgeon While most Christians today are familiar with Charles Spurgeon as “the Prince of Preachers,” because of his rousing, inspirational sermons – few are aware of the battles he waged against Rome and her diabolical activities in England during the 19th century. “No peace with Rome” was Spurgeon’s motto, and he was also convinced that “the masterpiece of Satan is Popery.” His sobering words were never more needed than today, when the Church in America is embracing deeper levels of apostasy through Ecumenism and Catholicism. |
Book $10.00 |
“Let a crusade against [Romanism] and all other error be proclaimed, and let all faithful souls enlist in the great war. In the name of the Lord we will set up our banners and join in the fray. The gospel of Jesus is assailed by its ancient enemies, let every true man come to the front and face the foe.” (Charles H. Spurgeon, The Sword & the Trowel, August 1866)
Jesuits in Washington D.C.
The influence of the Jesuits prior to the 20th century was well known by the Reformers and the Protestant community overall. But after two world wars, somehow the modern world forgot this most nefarious organization as the focus of the world shifted toward Hitler, Nazism and Communism. Yet many writers have shown how the Vatican played a critical role in each of these movements, as Edmond Paris shows in his book, “The Secret History of the Jesuits.”
In this recent article from the Washington Post, we read:
“Part of Washington’s fabric and pride is Jesuit, or what some in the order call the “Jesuit brand,” or “Jesuitica” — an ethos of people who are highly educated and activist. Jesuits are the archetype of priests with PhDs who protest in the streets or otherwise advocate for causes, often politically liberal ones.”
The Vatican approves Communism
Among the interesting and, at times, disturbing facts of history is that Karl Marx was trained by Jesuit priests. In his best selling book, “The Jesuits,” Vatican insider and former Jesuit priest, Malachi Martin wrote:
“… the brute fact is that many Jesuits wish to see a radical change in the democratic capitalism of the West, in favor of a socialism that seems inevitably to come up smelling like totalitarian Communism.” (Martin, “The Jesuits” p. 16)
With this in mind, we also quote from the excellent book on Rome in the modern world, “Ecclesiastical Megalomania” by John W. Robbins, who wrote:
“Indeed, there are paragraphs, if not pages, in The Communist Manifesto that might have been written by the pope …” (John W. Robbins, “Ecclesiastical Megalomania,” p. 44)
While the Vatican has outwardly opposed Communism in the past, this seems to be its common tactic. Rome will reject a controversial idea publicly, and then to slowly assimilate it into Catholic doctrine over time, until full approval can be given. The same was done with Darwin’s theory of Evolution, which was at first condemned but is openly taught in Catholic schools today.
Click here for the article on the Vatican and Karl Marx.
The Jesuits and Astronomy
“… for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” (Revelation 18:23)
We have for a long time believed that Rome is behind much of the corrupt thinking in scientific circles, chiefly those things pertaining to Darwinism. But few people realize how deeply involved the Vatican and her Jesuit priests are involved in astronomy and the realms of outer space. This video on YouTube shows the Vatican’s observatory in Rome, and the Jesuits who control it.
But what would be the interest of the Jesuit Order in manipulating the philosophies of alien galaxies? Many arguments could be given, but among them is how these things are impacting the interpretation of Bible prophecy. The Jesuits have been manipulating prophetic interpretation for nearly 500 years, as part of the Counter Reformation. See our film “A Lamp in the Dark” to understand the movement.
All this to say, the Reformers and the ancient church (for more than a thousand years) believed that the great “falling away” or “apostasy” mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 was a reference to the establishment of the Church of Rome. Rome herself is the apostate church warned of in the Scriptures. It was that teaching that helped to spark the Reformation, compelling countless Catholics to “come out” of the harlot system and have nothing to do with her abominations. Rome has been combatting this teaching for centuries. In modern times, because of the teachings on UFOs, many Christians are speculating that the “great apostasy” may end up being the result of some kind of alien invasion from outer space. This points the focus away from Rome (which is what the Jesuits want) and toward some future possible event, for which there is no real evidence.
Click here for an interview with Bill Cooper (author of “Behold a Pale Horse”) who speaks about a planned fake alien invasion. Could these things be related?
For those who are wondering -- yes, we agree that the reported encounters with UFOs and aliens have some measure of truth, and somehow play a role in end time prophecy. But with our Christian brethren who have reported on these things, we believe these alien creatures are demonic and come from the spiritual realm – not from a planet far, far away. That said, we think the Vatican and her diabolical Jesuits are using this phenomena to their own advantage, and are likely channeling the demonic spirits themselves!
Adullam FilmsA Christian Film Ministry
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